Lightning Protection System Accessories

Optimized & Industry-ready Solutions

The Lightning Safety Specialist

Today, TAKO has become one of the leading and most experienced ESD product manufacturers in the world, offering products that solved various earthing and lightning damage. TAKO has gained vast experience through working with our clients in providing expertise and services that is aligned with the clients goals and objectives. 

Our earthing and lightning protection system accessories and services has helped Malaysian’s SME/SMI in lightning and thunder protections since 1979. 

TAKO, ESE Lightning Arrester, Lightning Damage Prevention
Our Innovations

Lightning Protection Prevention Accessories

TAKO, Earthing and Lightning Protection System, Product offered

Active ESE Lightning Arrester

Click to know more about Active ESE Lightning Arrester

Earth Plate and Earth Rod

Click to know more about our Earth Plate and Earth Rod

Lightning Strike Counter

Click to know more about our Lightning Strike Counter

Power Distribution System

Click to know more about our Power Distribution System

Surge Protector Device

Click to know more about our Surge Protective Device

What is the requirement of a lightning protection system?

In Malaysia, buildings and structures are required to have a earthing system and lightning protection system LPS in place to ensure safety and protected structure for building and equipment during thunderstorms. These systems are designed according to guidelines outlined in the Malaysian Standard MS IEC 62305. The standard considers factors such as the size, height, and location of the structure to determine the appropriate level of protection needed. It also specifies the materials and components that should be used, and provides guidance on the proper installation and testing of the system. It’s important to comply with these guidelines to make sure that lightning protection systems are effective and keep people and buildings safe during thunderstorms.

What is the basic of lightning protection?

The basic idea behind lightning protection is to create a safe path for lightning to follow so that it does not cause damage to buildings or harm people. Simply to be said, state-of-the-art lightning protection systems typically employ a range of different technologies and techniques to provide effective protection against lightning strikes. This is achieved by setting in place a lightning protection system, which consists of three major components:

  • Lightning rods, which are installed at the highest point of the building to attract lightning.
  • Down conductors are metal rods or cables that link lightning rods to the grounding system.
  • Grounding system, a network of metal plates or rods that is buried underneath the property that aimed to provide a low-resistance path for lightning to travel safety.

When lightning flash and hits the lightning rod, it travels down through the conductors flow into the grounding system, where the electrical charge is dissipating safely into the ground. This helps to protect the building, equipment, and people inside from potential lightning harm.

The size and height of the building, the local climate, and the equipment in the building all influence the design and installation of a lightning protection system accessories. To ensure that a lightning protection system is effective and safe, it must be properly installed and maintained.

What are the two types of lightning protection system?

There are two types of lightning protection systems that are commonly used to protect buildings from lightning strikes.

The first is the conventional system, which uses lightning rods or air terminals to attract the lightning strike. Once the lightning strikes the lightning rod, it is safely guided down to the ground through a network of conductors and a grounding system.

The second is the Early Streamer Emission (ESE) system, which also uses air terminals to attract the lightning. However, the air terminals used in this system are designed to emit an ionized streamer that helps to attract the lightning more quickly and efficiently. The lightning is then safely guided down to the ground through a network of conductors and a grounding system.

Both systems function by providing a safe path for static electricity to flow while also protecting the building or structure from damage that might be caused by lightning strikes. The system selected is influenced by multiple variables, including the building’s size and height, the climate condition, and the specific requirements of the building or structure.

What is the best protection from lightning strike?

The best lightning protection will be vary depending on the situation and level of risk involved. However, here are some general guidelines that can be practice:

  • Installation of a lightning protection system: A lightning protection system can help to reduce the damage caused by a lightning strike as it directs the electrical current harmlessly into the ground by providing a low-resistance path for it to flow. The lightning protection system accessories usually consists of lightning rods or air terminals installed on the structure’s highest point, conductors connecting the lightning rods to the ground, and grounding rods or plates will dissipate the electrical current into the ground.
  • Unplug electronics: It is recommended that all electrical gadgets or unused socket to be unplugged and switch off during a thunderstorm to avoid damage from voltage spikes caused by the lightning strikes.
  • Use corded phones as little as possible: As corded phones can conduct electricity from a lightning strike, they should be avoided during a thunderstorm. Use a cell phone or cordless phone instead.
  • Stay away from windows and doors: If you’re inside during a lightning storm, keep your distance from windows and doors to avoid flying glass if a strike occurs nearby.

Not only that, there are also many ways to understand how the lightning will interact with the building. For an instance, the rolling sphere method is known for testing the stimulation where the expert technician will visualise a sphere shape with 150 feet of radius rolling over the targeted building. It helps to determine which area of the building has the potential to be hit by lightning strike.



The information contained in this page is for informational and marketing purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice. Our focus is on providing comprehensive LPS total solution services. This service encompasses a wide range of solutions to design, install, and maintain a complete lightning protection system tailored to your specific needs. For any questions or to discuss your specific lightning protection needs, please contact us directly.

TAKO's Award and Recognition

TAKO Award Recognition, Lightning Protection System

TAKO's ISO Certification

ISO Certification, TAKO, Lightning Protection System

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Earthing and Lightning Protection System, TAKO, Past Clients,2

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