ESE Lightning Arrester in Malaysia

Active ESE Lightning Arrester, TAKO

What is an ESE Lightning Arrester?

An ESE (Early Streamer Emission) Lightning Arrester is a protective device that shields buildings from lightning strikes. It works by releasing an upward electrical field to attract lightning before it hits the building.

Typically, people install lightning rods on tall structures, such as roofs. They attract lightning strikes and guide the electrical current safely into the ground. This helps reduce harm to the building and the people inside. In places prone to frequent lightning strikes, people often use them to prevent damage before it occurs.

Active ESE Lightning Arrester, TAKO

Advantages of ESE Lightning Arresters

  • They provide broader protection compared to standard lightning rods, making them ideal for many uses.
  • They work by emitting a streamer before the lightning bolt hits. This increases the chance of interception, giving early warning and protection.
  • These arresters can work well in many different places. These include coastal areas, high-up places, and cities. They work well, no matter where you put them.

Components of Lightning Arrester

AntennaPotential target for lightning strikes.Connected to terminal A.
Ground RodProvides a low-resistance path to earth.Connected to terminal E.
Air Gaps (B-C, C-D)Normally high resistance, preventing current flow. 
Lightning ArresterProvides a low-resistance path for lightning current.Bypasses the air gaps, protecting the equipment.
Types of Arresters Spark gaps Semiconductor blocks (silicon carbide, zinc oxide) Glow-discharge tubes Varistors/MOVs
Substation ArrestersLarge porcelain tubes filled with zinc oxide discs.Designed for high-voltage applications.
Key Ratings Peak current withstand Energy absorption capacity Breakover voltage
System IntegrationPart of a comprehensive lightning protection system, including air terminals and bonding. 

ESE vs Conventional Lightning Arresters

There are several types of lightning arresters. But here, we will discuss two of them.

Both conventional and ESE lightning arresters shield buildings from lightning strikes. Conventional arresters are like metal rods placed atop buildings to attract lightning. They conduct the lightning current to the ground, safeguarding the building and its occupants.

Active ESE lightning arresters are more advanced. They emit streamers earlier than conventional rods.

Using a network of electrodes and conductors, they release ionized particles into the air, creating a path for lightning. This system intercepts lightning before it gets too close to the building. It reduces the chance of lightning striking directly and lowers potential damage.

In summary, both types protect against lightning strikes. However, ESE lightning arresters offer more advanced protection by intercepting lightning before it reaches the building.

Choosing the Right Lightning Arrester

When choosing a lightning arrester for your property, remember to think about a few key things:

  • The size of the area that you want to protect
  • Local weather conditions
  • Applicable regulations

Consulting with TAKO, a qualified lightning protection specialist, can help ensure you choose the right solution for your needs.

For Home

A lightning arrester acts as a shield for your home, safeguarding it from lightning strikes and power surges. Lightning is hazardous and can harm your electronic devices, such as TVs or computers. It keeps you and your gadgets safe by redirecting excess electricity into the ground, where it’s harmless.

Having an arrester is crucial. This is particularly true if you live in an area prone to lightning strikes or experience frequent power outages. These devices are simple to install and can ultimately save you money by preventing damage to your electronic equipment.

In essence, they’re essential because they safeguard your home and gadgets from harm caused by lightning strikes and power surges along power lines. It keeps the power frequency stable and prevents it from going overboard.

ESE Lightning Arrester, Building, Lightning Protection, Installation Work, TAKO Total Solution, Services Offered, One Stop

For High-Rise Building

Lightning Protection System, Building, Lightning Protection, Installation Work, TAKO Total Solution, Services Offered, One Stop, 2

Lightning strikes can damage tall buildings by causing a burst of high-voltage electrical energy and may start fires. The installation of a lightning arrester on the rooftop can protect both the building and its occupants

This system consists of rods or conductors connected to the ground. If lightning strikes, the lightning arresters work by guiding the voltage surges safely into the ground. This will prevent any harm to the building.

Choosing the appropriate arrester system is crucial for each building, considering factors like its height and electrical setup. By selecting the right system, high-rise buildings can stop lightning damage and ensure the safety of those inside. This can safeguard power systems and electrical devices and save costs from costly damages.

For Factory

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Factories face serious risks from lightning strikes, posing threats to costly equipment and causing extended periods of downtime. To shield factories from lightning strikes, we can use lightning arresters. These arresters help thwart damage inflicted by lightning strikes. They come in various forms, such as ESE arresters, each serving distinct areas within the factory.

Surge arresters find their place within the electrical systems, shielding electrical equipment against sudden transient voltages. They function by rerouting surplus electricity away from sensitive machinery and towards the ground.

ESE arresters, conversely, find their spot atop the factory roofs. Their role involves providing a safe passage for lightning strikes to earth. Achieving this safety entails emitting ionized particles that attract lightning and facilitate its safe dissipation to the ground.

The presence of a lightning protection system is pivotal in shielding factories against lightning-induced damage and interruptions. Lightning protection systems often incorporate circuit breakers to prevent damage to electrical systems within buildings. It’s vital to use the right lightning arrester in different parts of a factory. This helps protect delicate equipment and keeps operations running smoothly.

Learn more about TAKO’s Lightning Solutions.


The information contained in this blog is for informational and marketing purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice. Our focus is on providing comprehensive LPS total solution services. This service encompasses a wide range of solutions to design, install, and maintain a complete lightning protection system tailored to your specific needs. For any questions or to discuss your specific lightning protection needs, please contact us directly.

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