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Installing Lightning Arrester on Building

A lightning arrester on building is a protective device designed to divert electrical surges caused by lightning strikes to the ground, safeguarding electrical equipment and structures from potential damage.

Installing Lightning Arrester on Building in Malaysia

A lightning arrester on building is a safety device designed to protect electrical equipment from damage caused by lightning strikes. It diverts the powerful surge of electricity generated by a lightning strike away from sensitive equipment and safely into the ground.

Malaysia, with its tropical climate and frequent thunderstorms, is prone to lightning strikes. These powerful natural events can cause significant damage to buildings, electrical equipment, and even human life. Installing a lightning arrester on a building is a proactive measure to mitigate the risks associated with lightning strikes.

Types of Lightning Arresters on Building

  • Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters (MOSA): Reliable, high-performance protection against lightning surges.
  • Gas-Insulated Lightning Arresters (GILA): Fast response, low maintenance, gas-insulated protection.
  • Silicon-Carbide Arresters: Older technology, less efficient, and higher maintenance.
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Do you know that when lightning strike hits a building, it generates a high-voltage surge that can cause harm to electrical devices, property, and people inside the building?  

A lightning arrester is a device that protects structures and buildings from lightning strikes. In this blog, we will go over everything you need to know about lightning arresters for building, from their features and benefits to the various types on the market.

What is a Lightning Arrester for building?

lightning arrester is a device installed for the lightning protection system which aimed to protect the equipment, people, and buildings from the damaging effects of lightning strikes. 

When lightning strikes, it can cause an increase of electrical current that have the potential to damage or destroy the building’s electrical equipment and even the property itself. The lightning arrester directs this electric current away from the building’s electrical system and equipment by providing a low-resistance path through the ground.

It detects a surge in voltage that is caused by a lightning strike and quickly conducts the excess electrical energy to ground. This prevents lightning from causing any damage to the building’s electrical system or equipment.

Lightning is one of the leading causes of power system interruptions, particularly in areas with high lightning activity. For example, a study by ComEd found that placing arresters every 180 meters on 12kV feeders increased reliability by over 70%

What are the Advantages of Installing Lightning Arrester?

First, installing lightning arrester provides protection from lightning strikes that can damage or destroy electrical equipment and even the building itself. By diverting the electrical energy away from the building, the lightning arrester helps to prevent costly repairs and keeps the occupants safe.

Second, installing lightning arrester enhances the overall performance of the electrical system by reducing the risk of damage to sensitive electrical equipment. By maintaining the performance of the electrical system, the lightning arrester ensures that the building operates smoothly without any interruptions.

Third, the installation of lightning arresters in certain types of buildings is mandatory in many countries. By installing a lightning arrester, building owners can comply with safety regulations and avoid any potential legal liabilities.

In summary, installing lightning arrester is a valuable addition to a building that provides protection from lightning strikes, enhances the performance of the electrical system, and ensures compliance with safety regulations.

Is Lightning Arrester AC or DC?

Lightning arresters are built to work with alternating current (AC) power systems, which are common in homes, high rise buildings, and factory. When lightning strikes a structure, it causes a surge of electrical energy that can damage electrical equipment and even the structure itself.

Because most buildings and homes use alternating current (AC) power, lightning arresters are specifically designed to work with this type of electrical power. They They are critical components of a building’s electrical system, assisting in the protection of the people, property, and equipment from the possible harm of lightning strikes.

Installation Density of Lightning Arrester

For a 12kV distribution system, placing arresters every three spans (180 meters) significantly reduced the number of flashovers per year.

The types of Lightning Arrester for building

Lightning protection systems are designed to protect buildings from the damaging effects of lightning strikes. There are two main types of systems that are commonly used – the conventional system and the Early Streamer Emission (ESE) system.

Both systems function by providing a safe path for static electricity to follow at the same time protecting the building or structure from damage caused by lightning strikes. The suitable type of lightning arrester for building will be determined by several factors, including the building’s size and height, the climate condition, and the specific needs of the building or structure.

What is ESE Lightning arrester?

The ESE system is a newer technology that uses air terminals to attract the lightning strike. The air terminals used in this system are designed to emit an ionized streamer that helps to attract the lightning more quickly and efficiently. The lightning is then safely guided down to the ground through a network of conductors and a grounding system.

What is Conventional lightning arrester?

The conventional system of installing lightning arrester uses lightning rods or air terminals to attract the lightning strike. Once the lightning strikes the lightning rod, it is safely guided down to the ground through a network of conductors and a grounding system. This type of system has been used for many years and is well-known for its effectiveness in protecting buildings.

Which type of lightning arrester is the best?

Subsequently, the best type of lightning arrester for a buildings will be determined by a variety of factors such as the perceived voltage level, any special requirement upon the installation of lightning arrester accessories, and the desired level of protection. Nevertheless, it’s important to consult with a qualified professional to determine the best type of arrester for your property

Where is the best place to install lightning arrester?

Most of the time, lightning arrester is installed with the building’s earthing and lightning protection system. Usually, it is installed at the point where the electrical power enters the building to generate electricity. With installing near the power generator, this can effectively prevent damage when there is overvoltage occur. The arrester detects the electrical surge caused by the lightning strike and quickly diverts it to the ground, preventing any damage to the electrical equipment, the building, or even bring harm to people.

Summary on Installing Lightning Arrester for Building

To conclude, installing a lightning arrester on building is essential to protect the people, environment, and property from the damaging effects of lightning strikes. Lightning arresters offer several advantages, including the prevention and management of costly repairs, adherence to safety regulations, and improved overall earthing and lightning protection system performance effectiveness. If you have any questions regarding lightning arrester, feel free to reach out with the TAKO team, where we aimed to provide professional advice on earthing and lightning protection system. 

Limitations of Installing Lightning Arresters and Advanced Solutions

The main issue with rod lightning arresters is that once a spark occurs, it may persist even at low voltages. This can be problematic because it can lead to unnecessary power outages.

To address this issue, more advanced models, such as valve-type lightning arresters, incorporate a current-limiting reactor in series with the rod.

  • A valve-type lightning arrester utilizes non-linear resistors to provide a low-resistance path for surges to the ground.
  • When a high-voltage surge, like lightning, occurs, the non-linear elements offer very low resistance, allowing the surge to be safely diverted to the ground.
  • Once the surge is over, the non-linear resistors return to a high-resistance state, preventing the continued flow of current. This ensures that the power supply remains uninterrupted.

The IEEE model as a particularly advantageous model for valve-type lightning arresters.

  • The IEEE model is preferred because it incorporates the physical dimensions of the arrester, which can be easily measured.
  • This makes it easier to design and analyze the performance of the arrester.

Importance of lightning arresters in power line protection.

  • Lightning discharges on transmission and distribution lines can significantly impact their efficiency and performance.
  • The high voltages from lightning can cause flashovers on electrical equipment, leading to damage and outages.
  • Lightning arresters are essential for mitigating these risks and ensuring the reliability of power systems.

Overall, while installing lightning arresters (particularly rod lightning arrester) have limitations, advancements in lightning arrester technology, particularly in valve-type arresters with non-linear resistors, have effectively addressed these issues, leading to more reliable and efficient power systems.


The information contained in this blog is for informational and marketing purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice. Our focus is on providing comprehensive LPS total solution services. This service encompasses a wide range of solutions to design, install, and maintain a complete lightning protection system a to your specific needs. For any questions or to discuss your specific lightning protection needs, please contact us directly.

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